
Gators prep for Troy pass attack

The Trojans spread the field and throw the ball all over the place.

Gators remain at #3 and #4

Gators are #3 in USA and #4 in AP polls, Michigan and FSU drop out both.

Video highlights from WKU game

Start off your week with some great video highlights from ESPN on last week's game! Highlight/Interview Video Inside!

Monday quotes from Coach Meyer

Meyer takes a look back at the WKU game and share his thoughts at today's media presser.

View from the Rowdies

In a new feature, we'll give you a perspective of games from the fan's point of view.

Armchair QB: Grading the Gators vs. WKU

Our monday morning quarterback series resumes with an analysis vs. the WKU win.

Super Photo Gallery – Gators vs. WKU

Now it's time to savor the memories of a sweet victory - view over 200+ professional photos from Saturday!

Evaluating the defense: There were positives

While Florida's defense made quite a few mistakes Saturday, there were a good number of positives as well.

Frame by frame of the game

Take a look at how Percy Harvin took out two defenders simultaneously, allowing Tebow to run unabated around the corner

Even tough guys skip out of bounds

Tim Tebow wasn't the macho man Saturday and that made Urban Meyer a very happy coach.