Tag: al horford

Thoughts of the day: April 5, 2014

A few thoughts to jump start your Saturday morning. DARING TO BE GREAT Back in the 1970s, an 8th-grade dropout named Glenn W. Turner went from...

Thoughts of the day: March 27, 2014

It will be a contrast in styles when the #1-ranked Gators take on UCLA in the Sweet 16.

What 2014 Florida basketball has in common with 2007

Comparing two very good Florida basketball teams yields interesting results.

Thoughts of the day: March 16, 2014

Florida's seniors have a chance for a new milestone against Kentucky Sunday afternoon.

Thoughts of the day: February 28, 2014

In the case of Florida's 2014 SEC basketball champions, the team is the superstar.

PD’s Postulations: This team just knows

This Florida basketball team just knows how to win games.

Connected Gators face Kentucky

As the season has progressed and the winning streak has stretched to 16 games, it is inevitable that the comparisons between this year’s 3rd-ranked...

Dedicated to defense

The Gators have bought into a defensive brand of basketball that is suffocating opponents

Thoughts of the day: February 2, 2014

The memory of Avery Atkins is never far away, especially during recruiting season.

The Mark Miller Report: Rambling from Chicago

Mark Miller reports this week from Chicago where all things are very cold.