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Jul 26, 2024 at 9:04 PM
Nov 19, 2016
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orangeblue_coop was last seen:
Viewing forum Too Hot for Swamp Gas, Jul 26, 2024 at 9:04 PM
    1. gatordavisl
      Tried to pm you, but for some reason am not able to. I saw the new rule and thought about you. Perhaps this was an "OBcoop" rule. My question - in what way is a picture of KR political?
    2. pecks
      Hey fellow gator. Just wondering about the pic of Rittenhouse in your box. Do you support the kid or (just curious) what? As a Father I certainly would have to admit it does an 18 yr old no justice whatsoever. I understand it's a free country but if he's your son do you put and keep it up?
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