
It’s put up or shut up time

It's put-up time for Urban Meyer and shut-up time for Meyer and the offense's critics.

Tough Gator D Gets Challenge From Auburn

Auburn offensive coordinator Al Borges is tough to defend because he mixes things up.

Between the lines – what worked and didn’t

We take a look at what worked against the LSU Tigers, what didn't, and what's next...

DeShawn Wynn Says “Guaranteed” He Will Play

Florida's senior tailback says he will be ready to go against Auburn Saturday.

LSU vs. Gators Post Game Quotes

Quotes from players and coaches on both sides of the field on the Gators' 23-10 win over LSU.

Just Call Reggie Nelson “The Eraser”

Tim Tebow played great but the difference maker Saturday for the Gators was free safety Nelson

Gators move up to 2 and 3 in AP, USA Polls

The Gators moved up to #2 in AP Poll, and #3 in the USA Today Poll.

Meyer’s Task Is Keeping Gators Focused

The Gators are getting a lot more attention but Meyer's task remains the same, staying focused.

Forget Conventional Wisdom, Florida Will Win

Conventional wisdom from the pundits says LSU wins, but not so fast my friends.


You win big games with game breaking plays, uch like how the Gators pummelled LSU today.