

Quotes from Coach Donovan’s press conference

Coach Donovan spoke with the media about being back in the fold and more.

Meeting’s Over! Billy wants to stay!

Lawyers are working to void the contract that Billy Donovan signed with the Orlando Magic.

Welcome back Billy! We sure missed you!

Billy Donovan will return to the University of Florida after the Orlando Magic release him from his contract on Monday.

Second thoughts for Billy Donovan?

Fox Sports and ESPN's Andy Katz are both reporting that Donovan wants to return to Florida.

Donovan makes Magic worth watching again

Billy Donovan will be good for the Magic, good for the NBA.

Ackerman Audio: Fan Reaction to Donovan

Listen to fans share their reaction with ESPN Florida host Brady Ackerman

Quotes from Foley and Donovan

Quotes from today's press conference with Billy Donovan and Jeremy Foley.

ACK: Billy made the right move

Billy Donovan made the NBA choice to spend more time with his family.

One era ends; another set to begin

Anthony Grant is the smart choice to succeed Billy Donovan at the University of Florida.

Women’s hoops signs three point specialist

Three-Point Specialist Susan Yenser Joins UF W-Basketball Team