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World Anti Doping Agency

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by G8trGr8t, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. G8trGr8t

    G8trGr8t Premium Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    WADA carrying China's water. First I had heard of this, needs to be splashed across the front page. 23 Chinese swimmers all tested positive for same substance. Authorities tried/trying to cover it up to keep swimmers eligible for Olympics. This is systemic on the same level that Russia was.

    same drug that the Russian skater got kicked out for or we would likely have never heard about this

    'Betrayed by the system.' Chinese swimmers' positive tests raise questions before 2024 Games (msn.com)

    How did a banned prescription heart medicine that is available only in pill form somehow get spread around a hotel kitchen in such a way to be ingested in some manner by 23 elite Chinese swimmers, all of whom had been warned for years not to ingest anything they don’t trust?

    Do we believe that really happened? And if we don’t believe that really happened, then we are watching in real time as the worst doping scandal in swimming in at least a generation envelopes a sport that will dominate the first week of the Summer Games.

    This weekend, The New York Times and German public broadcaster ARD reported that those 23 Chinese swimmers all tested positive for the exact same banned substance — trimetazidine (TMZ), which is the drug Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva was found to have taken — but were allowed to continue to compete and in some cases win medals at the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games.
    Another issue is percolating: Is the decision to neither suspend nor disqualify the Chinese swimmers final, or is there an opportunity for the case to be reopened?
    “The statute of limitations has not run out,” U.S. Anti-Doping Agency CEO Travis Tygart said in a text message Sunday. “Certainly if any new evidence is found after an actual, robust investigation — or fraud in the defense of the Chinese swimmers is found — then yes, it could be easily prosecuted. So it can and should be investigated and prosecuted by an independent prosecutor to get some justice for clean athletes, whatever that might end up being.”