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Working Remote with Q about Download Speed

Discussion in 'Gator Bytes' started by alphaomegator, May 14, 2020.

  1. LakeGator

    LakeGator Mostly Harmless Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Temple Terrace
    This is less true now than it was years ago. Most cable systems have changed their topology and network design to accommodate the typical usage pattern of today. The old cable systems were virtually one way and sharing one 'pipe' was efficient and effective. As the cable vendors began offering Internet service the congestion caused by the one way design was significant. It is far less now - in most cases. The article you quote was from 5 years ago and most cable plants have been significantly enhanced since then.

    Note that the case for alphaomega the issue was inside his home and not in the cable system.
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