That video of Cowherd and Gottlieb was interesting... Colin seems convinced Chip wouldn't like it here as much as LA. Also said he hated it in Philly? Wasn't aware of that.
I have lived in Los Angeles for five years. Each day I think about moving to Gainesville. If Chip Kelly needs any help making a decision, I will gladly offer to advice for free!
I don't think it does, that's a good question. It shouldn't since you dont have to actually click on anything.
I hated LA but I was making less than 1% of what CK will be making. And I wasn't getting limo'd around in the traffic like he probably will be. That would make a difference. Plus I grew up in FL and I'm used to the heat and humidity. CK is not.
smart blogs i follow only show the first paragraph and require me to click the header to open and read. Most dont though.
I don’t know...that seemed to have more details including Kelly calling Phil Knight about working for a non Nike school. Seems like news is starting to leak fwiw
The fact that we sent out president to see him suggests that Scott was confident we could get him (or one would think). Otherwise, he was just being desperate. If Scott was confident and wrong, I wouldn't blame Tilly and BTG for being confident and wrong. They perspective was obviously going to be based on that of our athletic department. Anyhow, no official announcement has been made yet so let's see how this thing ends...
That was the only detail that wasn't the same, and it could easily be fabricated (because who would know that other than Kelly and Knight?).