The problem with a semi auto is most times suppressed ammo will not eject the spent shell and load the new. Will not work the action. If the ammo has enough power to work a semi auto action it will make more noise than suppressed ammo in a bolt action or single shot gun.
I’m not sure bout that. I’ve shot sub 9s and sub 22s thru pistols and rifles. I haven’t had any issue with that. I’ve had issues with .45s running thru a Keltec SBR suppressed. But all 45 rounds are subs. So I’m not sure if that means anything or not.
I have shot both 9's and 22's that would not work the action of a semi auto. The 22's were with a semi auto rifle and the 9's were with a S&W Shield. It depends on the gun and the ammo. Sure they will work but need to be matched up to the correct gun and are not always dependable if your are trying to get a really quiet round. But sure they will work with the right gun and ammo as I have shot them also. They are not as quiet as what this guy was going for would be my guess. If not he could have just used a Glock 19 with a suppressor and had a better gun for killing someone.
Yep. And sub 9s aren’t that quiet on a pistol. I’ve gotta Glock 17, 19 and 26 with threaded barrels and pistons. Tried multiple rounds. They seem to all work fine but still aren’t that quiet. If u want real quiet, .22 is the answer. Or 300 blackout for sbrs
Also look into an 8.6 blackout. Just got one setup with a yhm can. Next level. Quiet like a 300 blk but with about 50 percent more energy. Drop a deer easy from 100 plus with subsonic rounds.
New to me I will check it out. I have a couple of 300BO set ups and load that round but don't know anything about the 8.6 other than what I just looked up. Sounds interesting and like it would make a good suppressed deer round. I am sure my son has studied it some as he is more into the suppressed stuff.
Out of curiosity, what semi-rifle were you having cycling issues with? I’ve shot a lot of suppressed .22 subs out of rifles and haven’t had any more cycling issues than .22 has even unsuppressed (and I’ll throw in the note for anyone who doesn’t know that you generally only need to worry with .22 subs on rifles, your normal standard velocity bulk pack .22 is already subsonic for most pistols). But I’m only using rifles based on the 10/22 platform there. I don’t worry with getting 9mm subs for range time, but if you’re having cycling issues on a Shield or other M&P model, are you using a booster/Nielsen device/piston or are you direct threading the suppressor? A booster should hopefully fix cycling issues there (a lighter recoil spring might as well).
The delay in revealing the killer may be in part due to the importance of confirming his correct full name or augmenting it as the case may be. An assassin has to have three names when they first announce who he is. If they can't find one, they have to bring in focus groups and audition different potential middle names until they get the alliteration just right. Nobody in authority wants to stand at a grand podium in front of a bunch of microphones and reporters with 50 costumed mignons and a bunch of flags behind him only to give out two lousy names.
I keep hearing him referred to as “The Adjuster” on Reddit. I chuckled. Here’s the thing: a large majority of Americans, both left and right, feel like the rich suffer no accountability, compared to the rest of the country. They (probably rightly) insist there are two legal systems, and the one intended for the have’s get the majority of resources and protection from the law. The fact that the killing of one man has resulted in a massive manhunt only drives this home. If some poor sod got gunned down in downtown NYC, you’d best believe this wouldn’t be happening. Toss in that healthcare is one of the most sensitive issues with the majority of Americans and this reaction makes perfect sense. How many of us know a loved one whose life has been turned upside down, or ruined, due to medical debt? How many work dead end jobs for the trickle of some sort of health insurance? I do not condone assassination, but I understand the rage and helplessness that likely led to it. It’s only going to get worse as we see our public institutions further privatized and sold off to the highest bidder.
Do you think the reaction would be that different if it was Jamie Diamon? I don't. Maybe slightly more subdued (and probably not as many clever comments), but I think the reaction would be pretty similar. Thus, I think this is bigger than just healthcare.
Oh it’s bigger than just healthcare. It’s a general feeling of powerlessness in the face people with functionally limitless wealth and influence whose primary interest is amassing more or both, the plebs be damned.
From Pynchon’s foreword to the novel Stone Junction If we accept the notion that using power against the powerless is wrong, a clear enough set of corollaries begins to emerge. We become able to distinguish, as populations (though not always their rulers) have usually been able to do, between outlaws and evil-doers, between outlawry and sin. Not much analysis is needed, because it is something we can sense in all its dead-serious immediacy. ‘But all they are are bandits’, the rulers whine indignantly, ‘motivated only by greed.’ Sure. Except that, having long known the difference between theft and restoration, we understand the terms of the deal whereby outlaws, as agents of the poor, being more skilled and knowledgeable in the arts of karmic readjustment, may charge no worse than an agent’s fee, small enough to be acceptable to their clients, ample enough to cover the risks they have to take, and we always end up loving these folks, we cheer for John Dillinger, Rob Roy, Jesse James, at a level of passion usually reserved for sports affiliation.
Increasing income disparity is going to lead to more of this type of crime along with civil unrest. Just a matter of when