Bolton hates the nomination. Thats all the feedback I need to love it. And the hunted become the hunters. Give no quarter.
Thanks for the link, did not know that happened. It is definitely a black mark in the American History book. I am proud that our judicial system has grown over the last 80 years so that injustices like that don't happen again.
I think everyone of his nominees will make it, they'll make hard for show, but the house cleaning is fixing to start.
I think this is exactly what our corrupt DOJ needs, it's going to be great watching him take out the trash
The butt hurt is real, I'm so grateful to be able watch our local libbes for the next 4 years. Christmas has come early
Whether or not this chicken-sh!t move skirts the senate or not, he has to survive and FBI background investigation. Can't wait to see the bodies pile up to hide the fact this piece of human filth is a child molester and should be convicted of statutory rape.
Some "interesting" happenings in Gaetz' 2008 DUI case: Matt Gaetz’s 2008 DUI arrest resurfaces after jab at Hunter Biden’s substance abuse. Here’s what happened.
If you’re actually serious learning about the events there are a number of resources you can read about it. Here’s a multi-part read you can start with (I’ve linked the section discussing another more likely suspect). New details emerge about an alternate suspect in Alcolu girls' murders
Gaetz won’t be AG. The “own the libs” picks lose their effectiveness when they get this bad. Lots on the right don’t like him.
What is corrupt about the DOJ? Before you respond - if you do - note that a prosecutorial decision is not in and of itself evidence of corruption.
That's what the corrupt DOJ has trained you to think. They hate him. If the story was real, he'd be in jail; it's not, and now they have to deal with him. If he doesn't pass the Senate, Desantis can appoint him as the replacement for Rubio. He will share the chamber with the people that didn't appoint him.
Anybody who acts like the DOJ is not corrupt doesn’t have a place in the conversation. The American people have determined the DOJ is corrupt. If they thought otherwise, DJT would have lost badly. We can cite numerous examples of corruption, but they are not interested in that. They are only interested in protecting the corrupt status quo at any cost.
Anyone who can't point to SPECIFIC ACTS OF CORRUPTION are the ones who don't belong in the conversation. They're just empty-headed puppets with Trump as the ventriloquist.