and a traitorous potus that fosters a rebellion and encouraging the killing of the VP can be cheered back onto the house is maddening to say the least, wth is wrong with this country, 3 plus freakign years and they couldn't get that to trial and he skates free? biggest failure that I can ever think of in our judicial system. nothing so massive, so egregious as his behavior with this sand top secret documents and walks free as voters elect someone who represents everything we are all raised not to be
you really think it is politically targeted? what do you say about all the dem politicians and supporters under investigation, trial, or in jail?
and what quality of people do you think are going to work under matt gaetz. it is emblematic of this whole admin, no credible, serious people want to be part of this clown show, just zealots on a mission. people have seen the wake of broken and bankrupt djt leaves in his wake when they ultimately have to tell him something he doesn't want to hear some day.
Our judicial system put a 14 year old Black kid to death for a crime he didn't commit. Trust me, there have been bigger failures, even purely on the individual level. Let's be honest, it's the American people who failed here.
the only thing these two share in common is a letter in their name, are you seriously trying to compare their credentials? did you look at Garland's? It didn't have sexual predator or drug addict on it
Write out a letter. It doesn't have to be long.. maybe 11 or 12 pages and tell General Gaetz you are sorry and that you just want a second chance. General Gaetz will have mercy on your soul. You'll be back here posting within a few years.
the american people didn't ever see the evidence or hear the jury on J6 or the stolen documents they also didn't get a real choice on the dem side i have faith that those two things would have made a substantial difference. only thing I can cling to right now as I watch this country put the fox in the hen house
i knew there was a reason I had you blocked, guess I'll bow out of this thread as it disappears as I come back to my senses. if he would like to deliver the summons in person, i may have mercy
There are some people here with some serious emotional issues. I pray you seek the help that you need.
take the heat off the christian nationalist being offered up for sec defense. look, i nominated a known child sexual predator for AG over there, that christian nationalist for sec def doesn't look so bad now does he
They had a real choice. They knew what happened on January 6th. They chose Trump. Now, we all have to live with it.
the three who voted to impeach have already said no. they just need one more the problem is this will make them less likely to question the sec def and nsa director nominations who are absolutely terrible in their own right
as bad as that is, does ti compare to the collapse of democracy, elimination of the system of checks and balances, and weaponization fo the DOJ and military against your domestic enemies? djt will kill so many more people than just one. hell he already has with his covid "leadership". responsible for more US deaths outside of war time than any potus ever if you just take the difference in death rates between the dem and pub areas