Did you read the list of incidents? The speeds in many of them were lethal. Again, all occurances AFTER two people were killed in the program. Kirby and that program should be getting dragged for how tone deaf and reckless they are. Way too little too late.
January 15th was the date of the accident involving DUI, racing and deaths.... Barely a month later and this is what they were still doing. If Kirby had a shred of decency, this is when he would have made examples out of people. Why is this not a leading story?
Just wanted to add that these listed are just the ones we KNOW ABOUT. How many times did players get stopped and not arrested? How many times did players just flat get away with this behavior? My rule of thumb is we only know about 5-10%, at most. So if that's right- then reckless driving, DUI, etc, crazy speeds are happening all the time... It's clearly a culture out of control, and there's no doubt Kirby knows about it...
I know all programs get special treatment at times and we aren't immune to this stuff. But we were making national news for throwing cups, barking at dogs amd stealing tacos while even then...our arrest record was shorter than Georgia's. I accepted that we were the top program then and therefore garnered more attention especially with a personality like Urban at the helm but Georgia has really escaped any public pressure despite being at the top of college football recently.
UGA and accountability are a contradiction in terms. Kirby at SEC media days sounded just like a politician trying to weasel his way out of there. Shocking that no one called him out.
How fast was Anthony Richardson caught doing in Gainesville? That's the only recent driving incident I remember about the past few years.
I realize this is essentially a Georgia bashing thread for off season kicks, but keeping things in perspective... OTL: Florida Gators had most athletes as crime suspects from 2009-14 OTL: UF, FSU athletes often avoid prosecution
Anyone who thinks athletes in major programs aren't given special treatment is in denial. No one is saying it doesn't happen and It's always bothered me personally having known some first hand accounts. But what does a ten year old article about varying issues that were reported on have to do with a prolific number of reckless incidents that have for the most part not been exposed until the local paper did so recently?
Yes, and, he sold the car almost immediately and never had another incident in his entire college career, or since. Most young people make mistakes in judgement. Good people correct course. Others keep making the same mistakes.
Does 140 in a 45 count? In my defense it wasn’t at night and it was at least on the 17th St causeway and not some dark country road EDIT: I sold that car too so I’m not ‘bad people’ right?
You kind of prove the point with this article- unwittingly. If you are a Gator then you should know most (NOT ALL) of our arrests back in the day were for small things. Like our DB being arrested for "barking at a police dog." It sounded like a serious charge, but then...I saw the footage. Our DB was simply walking by a cop, saw a police dog in the car and almost under his breath said "woof woof." Like a whisper. Yet he got jacked up for that...That cop was so mad. (He later apologized.) How many other arrests were for something as trifling? IDK, but probably many. But ALSO- the arrests were for wildly differing things... Stealing a $1 taco, throwing a sandwich, getting his own car out of his impound lot... There's no pattern- except GPD wanted to arrest football players. (See the barking at a police dog thing.) Now compare that to what's going on in Athens... 24 arrests all for the same thing- DUI or reckless driving, or racing, and and and... That's a pattern. That's systemic. That's a culture enabled by the big man and everyone around him... And again- how many instances were not caught??? Probably hundreds more. Nah- something is rotten in Athens. Shame on those who shrug their shoulders and dismiss it as "boys will be boys."
Reminds me how Cam Newton got in trouble a few times for stealing a laptop and for cheating on a couple of tests. At least UF showed him the exit door. Amazingly, a school noted for high academic standards (Auburn) (LOL as well) accepted him with open arms.
Truth be told I wanted to give him an agree because overall I agreed with the message until the part of Auburn having high academic standards lol. I couldn't do it.
The "High Academic Standards" was supposed to be a joke. I guess I should of put an LOL on the end of it. I apolgize.