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Tommy Kinsler le a ves the Class

Discussion in 'Awesome Recruiting' started by candymanfromgc, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. gator_n_sc

    gator_n_sc GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 8, 2013
    Depends on what poster on here you ask. His 3 star ranking automatically brought out the Nellie's when he committed. Funny part is though some of those same posters who were not happy about the 3 star commitment are the ones blasting UF for losing that 3 star.
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  2. gator_n_sc

    gator_n_sc GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 8, 2013
    1 question, is paying prospects who are not yet enrolled at a school inducement payments just for pay for play and not for Name, Image and likeness purposes legal or illegal, or in other words cheating or not cheating?
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  3. upstategator

    upstategator GC Legend

    Nov 1, 2017
    Is that what is being alleged? What’s the rules? Can I pay a player for NIL before he comes? Even if that’s happening is it the school or a third party and how can the UF admin be blamed for that? Isn’t by the nature of that happening keeping the school protected? If a 3rd party is paying a kid early before he signs doesn’t that still give the school plausible deniability? Not arguing with you just asking.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. ETGator

    ETGator Long-Time Gator Stuck In East Tennessee Moderator VIP Member

    Sep 15, 2007
    I appreciate your perspective. What I mean by cheating is not just sour grapes, it's paying prospective players or offering NIL or other inducements in order to lure their commitment . . . which is cheating under the current "rules." We have actual examples of either bragging about what they got for their client (i.e., Rashada) and then trying to "take it back" or what the coaching staff said on a video at TAMU.
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  5. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    I have no doubt Muschamp was an alpha - do you?
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  6. upstategator

    upstategator GC Legend

    Nov 1, 2017
    Yea and he had good recruiting results just couldn’t coach em up.
    Recruiting is just a sales job
  7. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    Recruiting today apparently has damn little in common with recruiting 10 years ago
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  8. upstategator

    upstategator GC Legend

    Nov 1, 2017
    Fair and I also appreciate your perspective. Let’s for the sake of debate say this is happening, I believe it most likely is, how is the UF admin to blame? If s t the people cheating 3rd party?
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  9. upstategator

    upstategator GC Legend

    Nov 1, 2017
    Does it? Sure there are new factors at play but who was good ten years ago that isn’t good now? I’m not aging is purely the staff but I still believe the staff is the main point of interest here.
    I’m also not calling for BN to be fired I’m just saying I don’t think he’s the ace recruiter he is sold as. And why should we believe he is? Because he did it at a smaller school? If you want to blame the admin blame them for not going for a bigger fish.
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  10. spike718

    spike718 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    yes, it is against ncaa rules for any prospect to be either paid before they are on campus (or possibly sign the LOI) and it is also against ncaa and the state regs Florida instituted to sign a contract prior to being a student at the university or to even agree upon numbers prior to enrolling (I.e induce a recruit to sig).

    Per the ncaa, if any third party violates the rule (signing an NIL deal or paid them in advance of signing or even just induced them to sign), the ncaa has explicitly stated that they will not go after the kids but instead will hammer the school for those violations, regardless if the violation comes from a rogue booster, a local business, etc. and not the school; of course, the ncaa will likely not do anything at all - they are just blowing hot air just like they have for decades. That is why many schools are ignoring the rules.
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  11. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    Blame is an inappropriate word because UF isn’t the ones breaking the rules and irresponsibly throwing money around like there’s an endless supply of it.

    If you want to ‘blame’ anyone, you have to look no farther than the NCAA
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  12. upstategator

    upstategator GC Legend

    Nov 1, 2017
    Got ya…so the one thing I still don’t understand is how the UF admin is to blame for this?
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  13. upstategator

    upstategator GC Legend

    Nov 1, 2017
    I agree with you. But so many people are saying we’re whiffing on recruits because then admin won’t play the game, I think this is lazy. If your going to blame anyone it’s the staff.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  14. ETGator

    ETGator Long-Time Gator Stuck In East Tennessee Moderator VIP Member

    Sep 15, 2007
    Just speaking for myself, I see it as an institutional control or lack of institutional control issue.

    Ultimately Coach Napier and his staff, and then the Florida Athletic Department, are responsible for what goes on.

    No different than giving out McDonalds bags full of cash before. This is the 2022 version of McDonalds bags.
  15. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Thank you Skink, appreciate your thoughts as always.
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  16. upstategator

    upstategator GC Legend

    Nov 1, 2017
    Lol McDonald bags

    Not saying you are stating this but it seems so many people are pissed for other schools “ cheating” but also pissed because we won’t. Are suppose to believe Miami admin are setting this kids up to get paid before they enroll? Or is it more because Mario is just beating Billy on the trail?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. spike718

    spike718 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    the argument there would be IF UF boosters and fans have raised enough money (have to start with that assumption) to compete with NIL..

    The UF administration has sent out numerous letters to boosters and season ticket holders stating that anyone caught negotiating NIL, promising $ via NIL, signing any recruits to deals pre attending UF, anyone working outside the Gator Guard or Gator Collective, those individuals will be banned from UF, all tickets revoked, and will basically be blackballed from UF. This message has also been repeated by the athletic director in numerous interviews.

    so, if Florida is having coaches discuss NIL opportunities to recruits and the recruits are having conversations with GG and CG, the conversations are about opportunities to them after they sign with UF. Say they even mention we have players making over a million dollars in NIL…that could be you. Since no deals can be signed and supposedly nothing specific promised, it sounds good. But..

    another school may have that same conversation, but say look, we will give you $50,000 today…will also have you sign a post dated deal (dated after signing day) that guarantees you $1 million per year of NIL. Their admins are not coming down on the boosters for subverting the ncaa rules.

    what deal do you think the recruit will prefer/lean towards?

    THAT is how the administration could be hurting UF recruiting.
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  18. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    There is widespread cheating and total disregard for any rules right now and some “schools” are throwing around ridiculous amounts of money to pay high school kids who haven’t even signed an LOI, let alone enrolled in their institution. That’s ludicrous and UF apparently wants no part of it. I support that.

    But whether you do or not, this is most certainly NOT a reflection on CBN and his ability or efforts to recruit. The 4* and 5* are being identified, recruited, invited to UF, and they’re visiting. CBN has a complete staff to manage the visits, and kids and their parents are leaving Gainesville with rave reviews. CBN is doing all he can do.

    Pay for play is destroying CFB recruiting and all we can do is watch the fur fly and stand by our school and team and support them for not prostituting the University of Florida for short-term unsustainable gain. We’re on the high road - no matter how this washes out, and we should look forward to watching a team that plays with discipline and heart and as a team. I can live with that while the free-for-all cheating sorts itself out.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2022
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  19. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    They’re not
  20. spike718

    spike718 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007

    I agree it is no different than the McDonalds bags full of cash.

    and 18 months later…what is the penalty for ADMITTING you cheated by giving money like that (it is a fact, not a charge to be proven). Absolutely nothing. Tennessee was penalized so hard (sarcasm) they felt it was worth it to violate NIl rules by signing a qb for 8 million.

    thus, proving the point (so far) that the ncaa has done and will do nothing.
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