Have to watch it twice, so many good references. TN going for the flag and all he does is point to ncaa and it goes away, which is a shot of how irrelevant they are with enforcing rules.
Well done! This was definitely one of their best! Definitely some great references... will need to watch it again as well!
HK went out..but she took a lot of 'em with her. Also, good use of mil jargon. They had me at "actual".
This has to be one of their most elaborate productions, well done I say! They are raising the bar for themselves.
Love the Vol trash can grenade and "initiate the 'Bama protocol." That was hilarious start to finish. Oh, and the Florida trap game mine was great.
Referring to injuries. And also the tissues in the camo band too - for crying about them. That's my interpretation, anyhow.