Smart guys sometimes are missing the common sense gene. People voted for peace and prosperity, which is what we had in four years under Trump: no wars, no inflation, affordable housing, closed border, and our pets were safe.
haha you had me until pets were safe. I have a hell of a lot more common sense than you, I can guarantee you. I don't live in a bubble and I've lived on 4 continents among all kinds of different people in different situations. Have you? Ok, good luck with affordable housing over the next 4 years. Promise to hve this conversation again with charts and graphs showing how "affordable" houses and groceries are? Please promise
Personally, I think that the Republicans like their candidate far more than the Democrats liked their candidate. I think it was more about that than the policies, though of course the polices played some role in it. For the most part, in an election the other side always disagrees with the other side's policies. That's a given. Therefore, it's most-likely going to be a contest between the candidates as opposed to the policies.
To be fair, it's not every time that the right wing gets to celebrate the election of a lying, adulterous, thrice married, twice-impeached, convicted felon, adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter, who stole classified documents, accepted help in an election from Russia, and enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. This is their moment to be proud, to bask in who they are.
this is definitely true. Harris was not a likable candidate. Both candidates are horrible, as is/was their choice for VPs. This is the best America can do
You just said "minus covid" which had a huge impact on the things you didnt like about the economy under Biden - namely that you are paid 30% more now and things cost 30% more now. It is some serious white washing of the Trump era to act like it was the greatest economy ever but for covid then complain about the best economy in the world in a post covid world. Seriously?
they believe that Biden has total control over the global economy and is solely responsible for inflation and high interest rates. And this is a board filled with college graduates.
Same. Democracy spoke. Grievance spoke. I'm not a bit surprised. In fact the opposite. I'm trying now to enjoy the silver lining, the comedy show of it all. For example; look at all these people cheering the election of a convicted felon/rapist! Amazing.
Anyway, let's see what the next 4 years brings us. I'm sure we'll all be fine. If not, then just blame the Dems, who are not in charge.
Yes, people will get what they want. I actually want another 4 years of him lying his way out of every situation and all the drama in his cabinet with a cast of reality show characters. It will be like watching a real life version of the Jersey Shore
It's quite funny that you believe you're actually getting the TRUTH while others are not. A guy who cherry-picks his info via algorithms specifically catered to him. Yes, that is the truth. So sad it's funny. And that you think I actually watch any MSM or am a liberal. I use my brain, observe, analyze and think. It's a unique new technique.
Congrats to Trump and his supporters. Don't blame me when it's all burning in a few years. People need to get out of their bubble and look at facts. Post COVID, the US had the best economy with some of the lowest inflation. Trump had on average, 36% higher inflation than Obama. But facts don't matter to MAGA, and they chose a guy with multiple bankruptcies and failed businesses over 21 Nobel Prize winning Econimists. You'll never go broke betting on the stupidity of people.
When did I state that covid didn't have an effect on Biden's first couple of years. I'm mostly referring to our open southern border, divisive woke policies, and poor foreign policies under the Biden/Harris administration.
The more you post the more unhinged you appear. Go have a drink and test your IQ. Just tell yourself how smart you are and you will feel better.