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Custom PCs / Gaming Rigs

Discussion in 'Gator Bytes' started by ValdostaGatorFan, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
    Post'em if you got'em
  2. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
  3. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
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  4. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
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  5. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA

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  6. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA

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  7. gatorpika

    gatorpika GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 14, 2008
    That's a sweet rig. Much better than the one I have kludged together of the years. I would show it but I was inside upgrading my SSD and memory last week and it needs to be cleaned out. Also my cable management is crap compared to yours.

    i7 4790
    32gb DDR3
    Asus Z97A motherboard
    Nvidia 1080GTX
    2x SSD, 1 HDD
    Corsair H100i liquid cooling

    Nothing spectacular but it gets pretty good frames on everything I play. I don't game much anymore though so that's also helpful.
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  8. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
    Very capable rig you have.
    Mines at least 4 years old now, but here is what I'm working with.

    i7 6700
    16GB DDR4
    Asus Z170-A MoBo
    MSI 980Ti
    500GB Samsung EVO M.2 SSD with NVMe for OS and games
    3x 2TB HDD in RAID 5 for general storage
    Corsair liquid cooler
    Bluray/M-Disc burner (Never used, ever)

    LG 34" 21:9 Ultrawide monitor @ 3440x1440p

    It runs games on ultra settings at 4K/60FPS no problem when I had it hooked up to a TV. It also runs ultrawide 3440x1440p with no issues.

    Without a doubt, the NVMe SSD is the highlight of the PC. It uses the PCIe bus, not the SATA bus.

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  9. gatorpika

    gatorpika GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 14, 2008

    How do you like the ultrawide? I was thinking about getting one, but am torn because I couldn't find one at a decent price with an expanded colorspace for photo editing. Was also thinking a curved monitor would mess up my perspective when editing as well. But for FPS and flying games it would be useful.
  10. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
    I love it! I use dual monitors at work for the productivity, with Windows Snap, its easy to manage windows. At home, I mostly play Battlefield, and for gaming, I can't say anything bad about it. Well, I think its 60Hz, but I'm not a hardcore enough gamer where I need that super fast refresh rate. It's super fun being able to see more than what one would usually see on a 16:9 screen. It's much more immersive as it fills in your peripheral vision. I wouldn't trade it for a faster refresh rate 16:9 monitor. As far as productivity, I can fit plent on the screen with it being a 1440p monitor, and splitting the screen with two windows works. It's a little different than having 2 traditional monitors as the windows are a different aspect ratio, but it works.

    I know video editors really like them because you get 3440 pixels wide for your timeline. My monitor is probably now 6 or so years old, so they may have better color representation these days.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  11. AirGuard_Gator

    AirGuard_Gator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Fernandina Beach, Fl
    Just "discovered" this forum while teleworking. Man I need to get out more. Much like gatorpika, my cable management and cleanliness need attention. I've been using mine for work since March so I have very little downtime for maintenance. Soon though, as I plan on replacing my last hard drive with an SSD to accommodate Flight Sim 2020.
    Anyway, my specs are:
    AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight Core
    32bg DDR4
    MSI X470
    ASUS Nvidia GTX1070
    Samsung 860 EVO 500gb SSD
    Samsung 27" monitor and lately one of my older samsung monitors added on for work. I have been looking at an ultra wide screen display, but need to figure out how much real estate I will have to work with when I buy a new desk.
    I updated this rig to play Battlefield 5 but never bought it. I did receive Modern Warfare as a gift but could only stomach the multiplayer through season 3. Now my time playing is pretty much limited to Borderlands 3, and a couple of old favorites Skyrim and Starcraft 2.
    Edited to add picture. I told you it was dirty! :)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
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  12. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
    Very nice. If you get some time and get into Battlefield 5, hit me up! My tag on Origin is ImLost404
    • Like Like x 1
  13. AirGuard_Gator

    AirGuard_Gator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Fernandina Beach, Fl
    Thanks. Maybe I will look around to see if I can get a good deal on it. MW kind of turned me off to MP FPS games; too much cheating going on out there. I mean there has always been cheating, but at least servers were private and usually policed pretty well. I'll let you know if I do it. My gamer tag is splat121.
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  14. gatorpika

    gatorpika GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 14, 2008
    I almost used my gaming rig for gaming last weekend. Was kinda jonsing for some PUBG but figured there would be a lot of downloading since I have not played in over a year. Need to update steam and let it update stuff overnight probably to catch up. I got DCS a while back when they had their 50% sale, but am in perpetual training trying to learn the systems of the F-18. Just setting up your joystick is several days work.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
    I heard they put Battlefied V on steam. I guess that's why I seen so many new players. Well, that, and I think I saw the game for $20 the other day. I've never played a flight SIM, seems kinda fun. I know that if you have really good pilots in BF, they can damn near take over the game. I wonder if they are using joysticks? Every time I try to fly, I end up crashing after about 2 or 3 strafes.
  16. gatorpika

    gatorpika GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 14, 2008
    Internet flying is a whole other subculture. At its extreme there are guys who build full cockpit replicas in their house spending tens of thousands of dollars and at least a year building and wiring up all the components. I have a high end consumer joystick and this thing that tracks my head movement and moves the screen in that direction so I can look around. I was interested in aviation when I was a kid and later I started playing this WW2 game that had infantry, tanks and planes and the whole flying combat thing was interesting to learn. Basically to get good you had to learn a lot of the tactics they actually used back then and a lot about flight dynamics. The newer games are far more complex in terms of simulating cockpit systems such that I have a 300 page manual on how to work the F-18 I bought on DCS. It would be much easier in a game like Battlefield though and my guess is a joystick would help but I don't know how much. I flew helicopters in ARMA and just did that with a mouse and it worked fine.
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  17. ValdostaGatorFan

    ValdostaGatorFan GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    TitleTown, USA
    "this thing that tracks my head movement and moves the screen in that direction so I can look around"... What is this contraption?!

    I tried flying in BF with the mouse, but it's impossible and I don't see how other folks do it! I've never played ARMA, but I've watched YouTube videos of people playing it. I never figured myself to be a person to watch other people play video games, but it can be interesting. I do like watching Karmakut play Squad.
  18. gatorpika

    gatorpika GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 14, 2008
    That thing is called TrackIR. You wear an IR reflector on your headphones or a baseball cap and there is a little camera that sits on top of the monitor that tracks your head movement. Not a huge difference from freelook for infantry games but is a big deal when playing the air game with a joystick since you don't have your hand on the mouse. ARMA is fun, but getting old now. It's basically a sandbox with lots of mods out there so you can play all kinds of game modes. Like they had a BR mode and this one called king of the hill where 3 teams fight it out to control a city (was my favorite). They had a bunch of PVE modes too where you fought the AI in different scenarios or even automated campaigns. Then some people had "milsim" groups where they built their own scenarios and ran operations like they were really in the Army. Noobs could jump into some servers owned by the milsim groups and get a feel for it. It was pretty interesting if you aren't prone to getting bored waiting for a helicopter to deploy you. Shooting was a bit more realistic with penetration models and bullet drop and they had some mods that added stuff like windage. Being a sniper wasn't just about having that gun, you had to go in teams with one dude running the Kestral and giving you sight adjustments based on wind, temperature, etc. That was more for the hardcore guys though. Stuff like King of the Hill was more twitchy where you just shoot dudes then taunt their body on VON.
  19. immortalone

    immortalone Recruit

    Aug 4, 2020
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  20. AirGuard_Gator

    AirGuard_Gator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Fernandina Beach, Fl
    I'm downloading FS2020 right now. Anyone else?

    No, I am not the kind who would build a complete cockpit to fly. At least my wife tells me I'm not allowed to be that kind. :D
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