The one you actually need to see is the one that shows how the country voted by population density. If you show that map in '20 vs '24, you will still see the important changes and the gains Republicans made in the more populated areas.
Oklahoma is the only state in the Nation that is entirely red. When I moved here in 1981, the state would have been entirely blue.
Exactly the opposite. California has a greater population than the 21 least populated states COMBINED. Wyoming is the least populous state at 584,000+. There are 31 CITIES that have a greater population than Wyoming. In comparison, Orlando has 320,000+ and Tampa has 403,000+. The EC disenfranchises the hugely populated states.
We believe that all men are created equal (except those that choose to live closer together, they aren't equal to those who live further away from other people). Maybe the EC promoters on this thread would have preferred the phrase "All land is created equal."
When you consider one of the core issues that drove the American Revolution was "taxation without representation" this is a problem. Or as Orwell put it: some animals are more equal than others.
Screwed up big cities run by demoncrats would rule the nation most of the time if not for the EC. That's plenty reason to support the EC over the popular vote. California counts for a month before they finally get the results they desire. Don't give me any crap about it not happening. I witnessed a month of voting in 2 house districts which flipped to D from R. The last 10 days of voting was totally unlike all of those votes counted before. One was in the San Francisco area and the other practically in downtown LA. These are districts with less than 400,000 votes that took a month to count until the desired result was obtained. Anybody who wants big cities ruling this nation have screws missing in their head. Except for California's usual cheating, Trump would have won the popular vote by another 1 1/2 million votes.
Those loose screws have really damaged your brain. Reality is what how this country was established by the Founding Fathers. You and others like you are out of touch with reality.
People lose touch with reality when they live closer together. Common sense is lost. Group think becomes the norm.