Tweeners are the hardest kids to assess. Great in HS but can’t find a position in college. Too small, too light, too slow. DE in HS they can’t play LB in college. LB in HS that can’t play Safety in college. Free lancers in HS based on athletic ability that can’t play their assignment and gap in college.
In most cases in GA, the money to pay coaches’ salaries (including state base salary, head football coaching supplement, extended day contract) comes from the school district’s general fund. In some high schools, it is not uncommon for a coach to be the school’s athletic director as well, meaning a higher salary. However, in some cases, school districts can’t afford a particular coach at such a high salary. If a school can't pay a coach what they want to make during the interview process a lot of times the booster clubs will get involved and offer them compensation beyond what their annual salary will be, same holds true for assistant coaches. Dont hold me to this. but in Florida booster clubs arent allowed to do this, in as far as supplementing coaches pay. In order to have any hope of having a successful HS football program in Florida, as a head coach it becomes paramount to have your core staff that can also teach so that school can offer the assistant a teaching position, otherwise you have volunteers recieving at best a assistant coach supplement of only 2,000 to 3,500 annually for their time. There's no better situation that puts the entire pay situation for Florida in perspective then that of Jack Daniels, who was highly successful at Dwyer HS for well over 10+ years, he however grew tired of the pay shortcomings and retired, only to return to coaching at a Private school where pay rules arent subject to the pay limitations seen at public schools.
This means that the SEC will never demand a 9 or 10 SEC game schedule... The more SEC teams in the playoffs the better for the SEC in general. I expect other conferences will complain, but the rich (the SEC) will get richer with that kind of payout. Look for every SEC school to lower the quality of OOC teams they play... just to sneak into the playoffs. I would... since the playoffs do NOT even consider SOS as part of their formula to pick the 12 best teams. This should be the last time we schedule hard OOC teams... if we have a smart AD we get that done. It's what I would do.
Yep , all the coaches at my hs in pcola were teachers but private schools have taken over for the most part because of pay and being able to recruit regardless of where kids live..
a coworker was an assistant FB coach at a public school in Tampa area and was also a teacher. the additional salary for coaching was very little and he had to work a shit-load of hours. He quit to become an AutoCADD tech. That was over 10 years ago, so I don't know if it's improved, but I doubt it
Booster clubs have ways of getting around direct pay. They work thriugh car dealerships etc. To help compensate salaries.
Nothing has really changed in the public school system in Hillsborough County anyway Coaches here are health or PE teachers or Driver's Education teachers..get a teacher's salary and then a supplement..maybe 2500 or so extra on top on their regular salary
The HS coach here makes 100K, teaches 2 study halls and has a private office and parking spot. Not bad.
There is an athletic (football really) booster club at my local public high school in FL. I do not have first hand knowledge but it is my understanding they pay for part of the coaches overall compensation package.
These days HS coaches are definitely getting supplements…….. entertainment has always paid more than educating.