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  1. swampbabe rated VAg8r1's post Agree in the thread Biden and the border.

    Just one question. How many terrorist attacks or even attempted terrorist attacks have been committed by "terrorists" who illegally...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 8:22 PM
  2. core545 rated spike718's post Informative in the thread **Buzz Buzz Buzz** - Money talking louder than The Swamp after the Cock Block..

    not true. His college experience isn’t much but it is where he started… Tennessee (1986–1987) Graduate assistant Southeast...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 8:22 PM
  3. swampbabe rated demosthenes's post Agree in the thread Biden and the border.

    Good points, and you’ll have to forgive my loose use of the English language with respect to talk/write. I largely agree with what you...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 8:20 PM
  4. core545 rated gatorwalrus's post Best Post Ever in the thread **Buzz Buzz Buzz** - Money talking louder than The Swamp after the Cock Block..

    This. Everytime I read him using UF as a stepping stone to NFL or other top notch job that means those teams want him. I know it may be...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 8:18 PM
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