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September 23
sec country
retired from all of the 'big hairy bullshit'


moonage daydreamer, Female, from sec country

    1. philnotfil
      I'm glad that DaveFla has stopped stalking me. I'm sorry that he has chosen to start stalking you. I wouldn't wish him on anyone. (yes, I purposely made this a public message)
      1. mutz87 and vertigo0923 like this.
    2. gatorfan5220
      Vertigo, thanks for your reply
      1. How much do entry coders make?
      2. How long is school?
      2. What is the difference between coding and chart review?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. vertigo0923
        starting pay is very dependent upon your locale, & your need. easier to find a job as a facility side coder (ccs, &cpc-h) because there are hospitals everywhere. physician coding (ccs-p & cpc) usually don't work outside a multi specialty facility, or a teaching hospitals
        Feb 28, 2014
      3. vertigo0923
        l (shands is a good one, pay is good too) a small practice won't pay for a coder anymore than they'd pay for an RN. i started at $9.50 hr but it was a lonnng time ago
        Feb 28, 2014
      4. vertigo0923
        probably a couple years of school unless you (she) has transferrable credits from another degree.
        Feb 28, 2014
    3. ncbullgator
      1. vertigo0923
        nc. you're not really bitching about 68k a year? and even that's high. hubby (as i've said) is an RT at the v.a. in nashville. NONE of those floor workers (rts, nurses, etc) make 80k. i'm sure there are some, but it is NOT the average. my supervisor's hubby is a postman...like my spouse, is ex military, he doesn't make 80k either
        Jan 21, 2014
      2. vertigo0923
        (continued)and that's part of the 'bennies package' when you enlist. you're more likely to land a fed job than a non-vet. and anyone who doesn't like that is more than welcome to enlist.
        Jan 21, 2014
      3. vertigo0923
        continued (end) i realize your link isn't addressing that, but instead addresses what someone who works for the fed and MAKES 80k might possibly end up with at retirement. but that's just not your average fed worker, it just isn't. and it'd be nice if you'd quit bellowing and criticizing federal workers, because you're one of these folks drumming up antagonism against a lot of innocent, average-salaried normal folks.
        Jan 21, 2014
    4. slinkygator
      Love the Christmas gator!
      1. vertigo0923 likes this.
    5. vanders
      eaten alive
      1. vertigo0923 likes this.
    6. vanders
      hey.... yep life eats you up at times
      1. vertigo0923 likes this.
    7. vertigo0923
      spoiler alert: green eggs and ham.
      sam-i-am tries repeatedly to get the older dude to try the famous 'green eggs and ham'. the guy balks. over and over. finally, he relents, trying 'green eggs and ham' and (surprise ending) he LIKED them. (moral of the story: "try it, you might like it")
    8. gatorman_07732
      Good to here from you kiddo. After a horrible start to the year with the family deaths, things have come to a sense of normalcy. Just enjoying life and being lucky enough to work from home that gives me the opportunity to be a bigger part of the girls lives. I got pretty serious about being more health conscious having turned 50 early in the year and got a clean bill of health from the docs. I even went for the ever fearing you no what exam and it was a good thing I did. Mom is still kicking at 92 but the dementia is pretty serious. I really feel for my sister because she pulls the load. We plan on having her move in with us after mom is gone because she gave up her career. It's the least I can do for her. I hope things are good with you and that your keeping hubby on the right dietary track with his situation.
    9. vanders
      oh... so sad Have been in Bama with Mine and C.
      Missing them both so much , I can't imagine your loss
      how is Al?
      1. vertigo0923 likes this.
    10. vanders
      hello Verti.... reading below
      funny how our worlds often collide with the same issues... Mama had to have help hired, and the Driver's Liscense taken... hard to manage this far away.
      and Al... goodness how is he?
    11. gatorman_07732
      Pssst, how are you making out over there in KY land?
    12. gatorman_07732
      So sorry for your loss, as you know only time will help. I'm sure you're grieving and know there is not much I can say that will make you feel any better. This stuff is so sad.
    13. gatorman_07732
      Hi my friend, I know and understand your grief. Not sure as of this day the status of your mom but I get the unfortunate inevitability all to well. I pray for you and your family and hope your hubby is staying well. Just got back from Colorado where we had a ceremony for my brother with his ashes (another personal dilemma I dealt with) but in all the trip went well. My mother has been in and out of the hospital since we last communicated. On my way to Colorado I flew into Tampa for a night to see me mom (she thought I was my cousin at first) and my brother and I flew out together to CO. When we got to CO. the next day my sister called and said mom was back in the hospital. Really to much to tell in a message here but 2013 is turning into on heck of a year. I also had another cousin day of Lung cancer two months ago. My family is going down hard. Give me a shout when we get th chance.
    14. gatorman_07732
      Damn, I'm really sorry to hear this. I've heard of many people getting lung cancer that were non-smokers. I have a cousin right know that is at the end stages of throat and lung cancer, however he was a smoker. I will say a prayer for her as the treatments are going to be tough as you well know. Cancer is absolutely decimating my family and sometimes gets me paranoid. I'm not sure if I told you about my cousins husband who died two days after Christmas from prostate cancer at 40 years old. Has three children the same ages as mine. They said it was so rare for someone his age and right now think it started as a germ cell. By the time he felt any effects and got diagnosed he was in stage four and died 6 months later.
    15. gatorman_07732
      Anything is better than Sandy. That was terrible
    16. vanders
      what the hell? hubby had a stroke, he's way too young to have a stroke. he's ok, but it was scary. hoping Al is doing much better... had our share of "shit" but nothing that big.
      Miss you
    17. FLIPCUP
      V has been down and out with pneumonia (sp?) She should still be in bed but went back to the classroom some this week cause it is FCAT week, the big statewide tests. You know how she is about those kids. Anyway the test was yesterday. She is now past out, talking in her sleep. Think I will go listen for something jucy.
      BTW I reminded her that we have a do not resuscitate agrement. Pissed her off. I am sleeping with one eye open so I do not sleep with the fishes next.
      I will tell her you ask about her.
      Hope you and yours are good.
    18. gatorman_07732
      I'm terribly sorry to hear this Vert. Please give him a shot to the head (this would be my Italian mother's remedy not mine) and get him on the track to wellness. Gotta get that salt out of his diet for sure and stress (the hard part). I had two deaths in my family the last couple weeks so I understand the personal trauma.
    19. chompalot
    20. gatorman_07732
      I'm so sorry to hear about this Vert. Hopefully through treatments and love thing can get better for him. Life is one tough SOB, no doubt about it. I know I can't help your situation but I send all the love in the world. You have been kind to me and my ordeals.
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  • About

    September 23
    sec country
    retired from all of the 'big hairy bullshit'
    former brevardian living in south central kentucky.
    recently retired.


    "i don't know where i'm going from here, but i promise it won't be boring" - david bowie