Fair enough. I believe Kavanaugh is more than qualified to be on the SCOTUS. More so than Kagan and Sotomayor. However I also believe that Trump...
Just to be clear You feel that both Kagan and Sotomayor were selected and confirmed based on their strong judicial qualifications and not based...
And what was your feelings on Kagan and Sotomayor? Where they not lapdogs. Where they clearly qualified or did they get their nominations due to...
It was a hit job but I don't blame Ford. No, she couldn't give any specifics...which make it impossible left to prove did or didn't happen. And...
Oak What did he do wrong in 2004-2006?
So since you are now ranking him as a rapist would you please provide any evidence that this actually happened... or are we just going with guilty...
Yes I know Kind of was my point.
Seems like a fair and impartial article.
I just heard from a friend with some inside info Butch Jones is definitely NOT being considered at this time.