Shooter was 14 yr old male
Best post ever!
I just found the idea interesting. It would solve all the problems and issues that everyone has mentioned so far. It was just water cooler talk.
I heard a rumor today that a new stadium and parking would be built where the golf course is located. UF is building a new golf course on donated...
Like they say, “no such thing as bad publicity “
And a lot of the time, it’s family members that are sexually molesting the 12,13,14 and 15 year old girls
Or maybe sometimes she’s forced against her will.
Well , now there is another baby formula shortage again
That poor woman is going to be forced to walk around and function for another 16 weeks in her every day life having to deal with she’s not going...
Sending positive thoughts to you and your wife.
I always laugh to myself every game when they check women’s clear bags. Anyone could carry a gun in on their body.
His brother gets tickets for the game for family and guests
Thanks for posting the recipe of the soup. It was delicious.
We’re making the soup recipe today. Smells great. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
So, if you don’t mind me asking, what foods make up the majority of your diet? Chicken and fish? Majority of vegetables?