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  1. VAg8r1 rated gator_jo's post Winner in the thread Biden and the border.

    So here's the problem. You may have presented an article with valid points. But I'm not going to read it. Because I don't care. Why?...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:24 PM
  2. VAg8r1 rated gatordavisl's post Winner in the thread Biden and the border.

    National Review: Clusters far right with wide variation in reliability. :emoji_thinking:

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:24 PM
  3. GatorPlanet replied to the thread More behind-scenes preseason intel.

    Not always. But it's extremely rare to see a team as small as that Illinois team be as good as that. That team was the best in the...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:24 PM
  4. sierragator replied to the thread October Surprise!.

    The clock on the wall in your basement is correct twice a day as it need a new battery.....

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:23 PM
  5. gator_jo rated mikemcd810's post Winner in the thread Matt Gaetz... Exonerated?.

    Do you ever take a step back and think about how you're rooting for a grown adult who took a 17 year old high school junior to a sex...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:23 PM
  6. VAg8r1 rated pkaib01's post Funny in the thread The Ukraine government ordered the hit on Donald Trump.

    The challenge with whackjob conspiracy threads is dealing with the high volume of @vegasfox and @Gatorrick22 contributions. They are...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:23 PM
  7. sierragator rated gator_jo's post Agree in the thread October Surprise!.

    If this even happens, it will be fun to watch MAGA suddenly oppose undeserved pardons granted for personal or political reasons. They...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:23 PM
  8. VAg8r1 rated CHFG8R's post Funny in the thread The Ukraine government ordered the hit on Donald Trump.

    Again, we'll take your "lsughable" word on that.

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:23 PM
  9. Dinogator replied to the thread **Buzz Buzz Buzz** - Money talking louder than The Swamp after the Cock Block..

    Desperate times, desperate measures. Time to start thinking outside the box. To my knowledge, the NCAA does not have a rule that a head...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:22 PM
  10. sierragator rated PITBOSS's post Agree in the thread Georgia election board, mostly Trumpsters, vote to violate state law on handling ballots.

    Maga is losing. Trump lost in 2020 and Repubs somehow lost the senate in 2022, because of maga-crazy. The only way they can win is to...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:22 PM
  11. gator_jo replied to the thread October Surprise!.

    If this even happens, it will be fun to watch MAGA suddenly oppose undeserved pardons granted for personal or political reasons. They...

    Sep 20, 2024 at 6:22 PM
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